Recruitment & Training



Our recruiting systems has become one of our most important process  in the company. Our company is not the place for just any officers, in fact we hire a small percentage of those who apply for positions within our company. This has created an atmosphere of high expectations and high performance; those who cannot meet our expectations do not make it in our company. Having this culture in our company would help to reject individuals before they even apply. 


All staffs are trained on courses that are designed to fit on the National Qualifications framework, as required by Indonesian standards. Our courses include theory and practical, as well on the job training, providing all our staff with extensive on-going training and development which we can customize to fulfill our client needs. 

By participating in the training, personnel will gain adequate knowledge and skills and support their performance. Gada Pratama is a basic security guard for members / candidate of security guards who have never attended training in the field of security. 

It has training concepts and methods that are compiled with a very specific learning curriculum for students and is equipped with sufficient learning facilities and infrastructure. 

Training is led by reliable instructors, experienced practitioners and professionals in their field, as well as by the officers of POLRI/TNI.